Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Get Scared Of Being Loved!

I get scared to be alone! I get scared of living on my own! I get scared of getting once again wrought! I get scared of living with the fraught!

I Get Scared Of Being Loved Ever Again!

I do get scared when they say; they love me, because people often say what they don’t really mean.

Before I move ahead with this, let’s know what love is? Love is often misunderstood as an eternal celestial bliss, whereas it’s nothing more than an illusion that kills you when you get out of it.

Since always it’s been believed that when two individuals engender a perceptional intimacy between them, they’re in love. But does this goes with the today’s time where people give s**t about perceptions?


I stoutly believe that this term needs to be redefined as per the social psychology of the ongoing decade. I believe that in this time, two individual can never be bonded to each other with the so called ‘thread of affection’.

Love Doesn’t Exist Anymore!

Further, I don’t think I need to elaborate that there are billions of ‘love zombies’ (people with eternal hunger of love) in almost all the corners of this world. They keep waiting for their so called ‘Mr. /Miss Perfect’ to glitter their life with happiness and tranquility.

I wish nobody in the world gets any ‘Mr. /Miss Perfect’, because in this case you may attain all what you have ever desired for a while, but eventually you get lifeless when your beloved (assumed by you) leaves you in the shallow pities of never-ending darkness.
Gradually, that darkness thickens so much that it engulfs you, and you become an entirely different creature, who’s indeed identical to humans, but doesn’t behaves same anymore. You become a lifeless body, with no desires to exist any longer.

It’s better to be dead, than to be loved!


  1. Baap re!! That was really dark Ranjeet!

    But I beg to might not find a Mr./Ms. Perfect, but there is someone in this world, who is perfect for you.......someone who completes you.....someone who is strong where you are just need to find that someone.

    And when you do find that someone, you'll feel true love........the kind that you read might not be as fantastic as they show on the screen, but believe makes life worth living!!!

  2. The fact about love is its right there in front of you, but you just don't see it.

    Isn't the love you feel for your spouse or boyfriend different from what you feel for your parents, brothers, sisters or friends.

    The truth is there is a blend of lust and love when it comes to your boyfriend or spouse, which is not there in other relations.

    You already have love in your life, but you just dont seem to see it.Love is right in front of you, but it will not be the way you desire it to be. Love is all about pain and if you are not ready to walk the path of fire it does not matter where you search for it, you will never find it.

    Love can be found in many places, for eg: the flower a woman plucks to keep on her hair dies faster than if it was left in the plant, yet it never complains and gives you the fragrance for you and others to enjoy as long as it lives. Isnt that love in its purest form. If you pat a street dog, you will see that inspite of you not giving it anything it will still come to you to be patted, isnt that pure, unconditional love. The broom that you use to clean the house helps you keep the house clean, but after we clean the house we just throw it in a corner. Your parents took care of you for so many years-bearing all your naughtiness.How much you would have irritated them :P, but still they took care of you. We just lose sight of all the small things that we see everyday and we have taken them for granted that we lose sight of their love and affection.

    Learn to love and value the things that give you nothing in return and you will find love in everything you see and do.I dont know if i have lectured too much here :P, but hope it helped. If it didnt, just delete it.
