Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Last Thing I Remembered Before I Died Was You!

It was a nice day, but I hadn’t wondered even in my bad dreams that the sheer beauty of the day was going to engulf the shine of my existence. But soon this happened. I had two holes in my body! I was shot twice, to be killed.

I knew I was about to be lost in the valley of nothingness. But wait! There was someone in my thoughts, before I can leave. It was you baby!

Yes! It was you my love!

Exactly when I was on the verge of my twilight, I could remember all the priceless moments that I spent with you. I was definitely in great pain, yet there was a smile on my face, coz the thought of your first kiss was on my mind.

Do you remember the time, when I proposed you and there was a big yes from your side? OMG!

I was half dead before you said yes!

Your ‘yes’served as a lifesaving drug for me! I got alive then!

Huh! But now when there’s nothing left, your memories are working as a kind of motivating for me. I know the fact that I can’t make it, yet I desire to fight against my end. I wish I could have!

Once again, I wanted to taste your lips, feel your warmth and enjoy your care. But see the cruelty of nature; I couldn’t even see you anymore!

Ah! Its killing me! Seems as if it’s the time to say bye!

This time don’t wait for me, my love! I wouldn’t be back soon!

May be I wouldn’t be back ever!

Keep smiling! Take care!

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