Sunday, December 26, 2010

Unlived Childhood!

Childhood is often described with great adjectives and proverbs, but same isn’t the case with children in Africa. We all know that life wasn’t ever easy for people of Africa, but all what I’m going to tell you in the later part of this blog, with not only confound you, but may disappoint you as well.

Yes! This time I’m going to bring the unlived childhood of all those innocent children in picture, for whom life isn’t just about living, it’s about living with the pain.

People of Africa have been doing combat with their conditions (poverty, diseases, wars, lack of recourses and so on) since always, but have you ever thought about its effects of the children.
The world knows that AIDS is a killing disease, but none of us could have ever imagined that more than 3 million children have died due to AIDS in Africa and due to the same disease, around 15 million children have been orphaned. Another horrifying statistic is that around I million children are currently infected with the disease.

When a helpless mother was asked few questions about her life, she said, “within 2 years, I lost 5 of my children to HIV/AIDS and as you can see, even this one remaining is very sick and I don't know if she will survive this sickness. Maybe it is my destiny to die a child-less mother and there is nothing I can do.... God knows best"

Coming to another disastrous statistic, you all will be shocked to know that thousands of children died during war in Angola, whereas tens of thousands of children lost their lives in Uganda. And it’s not just with Angola and Uganda. Same is the story with Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe and Darfur.

When asked from an orphaned 11 years old Nigerian kid, he said, “I don't smoke but most of the children living under the bridge smoke weed which makes them strong. Most of them are thieves and they rob people. I don't steal and I don't smoke. I only shine and repair shoes for people..."


Why don’t we just stop doing this? Why can’t life in Africa be as normal as anywhere else?
I just don’t have any answer!

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